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September Luncheon & Networking Event featuring


Donna Campbell

September 01, 2022, 11:00 AM

San Antonio Petroleum Club

Donna Campbell

Senator Donna Campbell, M.D. is a board certified emergency room physician and proud parent of four daughters. She lives in New Braunfels and represents Senate District 25, a six county district which includes parts of San Antonio and Austin. She currently serves as Chair of the Senate Nominations Committee, but served as Chair for the Senate Veteran Affairs and Border Security Committee from 2017 until after the 87th Regular Session in 2021. Senator Campbell also serves on the following  committees: Finance, Business and Commerce, Health and Human Services, State Affairs, and the special Redistricting Committee.

She has received top honors for her legislative accomplishments from the NRA, Texas Alliance for Life, Texas Values, and the Texas Veterans Commission. She has been recognized as a Top Courageous Conservative three times in a row by the Texas Conservative Coalition and designated as a Fighter for Free Enterprise by the Texas Association of Business. During the 87th Legislative Session, there were numerous victories of which Republicans should be proud. Texas finally passed "constitutional carry", which will allow adults over the age of 21 to carry handguns without a license or permit. Numerous pro-life bills were passed, including the Texas Heart Beat Act which outlaws abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, and a bill that would outlaw abortion in Texas if the Supreme Court reverses its rulings in Roe v. Wade / other cases. Because of Senate Bills 2 and 3, Texas will now require the weatherization of power generation facilities, natural gas facilities, and transmission facilities to handle extreme weather. The Texas Railroad Commission and ERCOT will be required to inspect these facilities, and failure to weatherize these facilities can result in a penalty of up to one million dollars. These bills also create a "Power Outage Alert" where Texans will receive an emergency alert whenever the power supply in the state may be inadequate to meet demand. Finally, the legislation makes significant reforms to ERCOT, including having eight fully independent board members of the 11-member board, and requires board members to be residents of Texas. Numerous bills were passed during the 87th Legislative Session to address municipalities that defund the police. SB 23 requires voter approval to reduce law enforcement budgets in counties with a population of more than one million. If voter approval is not received, but the county still defunds the police, the county's property tax revenue will be frozen. HB 1900 freezes property tax revenues for cities with populations over 250,000 that defund the police. Under this law, cities that defund the police will lose their annexation powers for 10 years and any area annexed by a defunding city in the past 30 years can vote to dis-annex from the city. It also allows the State of Texas to withhold sales taxes collected by a defunding city and give it to the Texas Department of Public Safety to pay for the cost of state resources used to protect residents of a defunded municipality. However, there is still work to be done in this regard during the Special Session.

Senator Campbell authored and passed numerous conservative bills that will help not only her constituents in Senate District 25, but all Texans. SB 20 protects travelers' Second Amendment right to defend themselves and their property by permitting the safe storage of their firearms in a Texas hotel room. The Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act protects Texas against hostile actors like China & Russia. Recent infrastructure attacks, such as the Colonial Pipeline, prove that this type of legislation is more important now than ever before. Senator Campbell Sponsored HB 9, which makes it a state jail felony to block emergency vehicles and obstruct the entrances to emergency rooms. We saw this occur in other states such as California during the protests last summer. HB 9 ensures this type of behavior does not occur in Texas. Lastly, Senator Campbell passed SB 2158 which allows the Texas Education Agency to work with the National Child Identification Program to provide parents with I.D. kits for safekeeping in case of an emergency. The kits are voluntary, kept at home (so the information is not stored in a central database unless it is submitted by the parents), and may be turned into law enforcement in an effort to locate their missing child.

A proud woman of faith, Senator Campbell has volunteered with Christian Eye Ministries and performed hundreds of eye surgeries in the West African nation of Ghana. In her spare time, she is an avid hiker and runner. Senator Campbell was recently elected by her colleagues in the Texas Senate as President Pro Tempore. Should the Governor and Lieutenant Governor be out of state, Senator Campbell will proudly serve as the Governor of the Great State of Texas.

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